how do i choose and source our herbs?
Wendi Strange Wendi Strange

how do i choose and source our herbs?

I must confess that I don't possess independent wealth. If I did, I would continue crafting these exceptional herbal salves while globetrotting to personally acquire the ingredients, rather than depending on suppliers. Recently, I engaged in a conversation with someone knowledgeable about sesquiterpene lactones and helenalin. She inquired about my process for selecting herbs for our salves. For those curious minds, here's what I shared with her:

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why all natural?                              ….. my story
Wendi Strange Wendi Strange

why all natural? ….. my story

“Sometimes nature comes in the form of the surgeons talented hands, the chemists proficient compounding, the radiologists astute eye and the biologists natural ability to identify, but we should never disregard the power of nature itself and it’s skill in healing. “

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