
Hey there, I'm Wendi Strange, the head honcho of StrangeMakes.com. You might know me as James' better half and the chief wrangler of four kiddos. But there's more to me than just the chaos of family life - I'm also the mastermind behind all this herbal stuff.

You see, once upon a time, I decided to dive into the wild world of e-commerce, but had a noble mission in mind: selling top-notch, handmade face coverings to support our amazing medical professionals during all that Covid “fun”. Not your typical superhero origin story, but it gets better.

As time rolled on, my customers stumbled upon the hidden gems of these herbal salves – initially crafted many moons ago to save my own skin. I mean, who would have thought that these concoctions would become such a hit, huh? Gratitude is given to Jesus alone for the chance to love on others in such a capacity.

While I still whip out a fantastic face covering every now and then, our fan base has gone wild for our all-natural remedies that can solve just about anything short of world peace. We're like the Avengers of home remedies, but with fewer capes and more aprons.

Here's the punchline: If our stuff doesn't tickle your fancy in any way, don't worry, we'll give your money back, no interrogations involved. Although, I might throw in a couple of curious queries because we're striving for excellence here.

In the meantime, if you need a laugh, some advice, or just someone to chat with, give me a shout. I’m here to brighten your day!

Blessings ~ Wendi

Creative Director's Official Disclaimer

Attention, world! My incredibly talented and opinionated creative director husband would like to make it abundantly clear that the look and feel of this website is NOT his masterpiece! He vehemently disagrees with most every pixel and color choice.

But hey, don't fret! I, the webmaster extraordinaire, take full responsibility for this artistic endeavor. Feel free to enjoy, critique, or share your thoughts with me, and I promise not to drag him into the design debate!

What I might lack in web design, I more than make up for in salves. So here’s to creative differences!